It’s a microphone against the chest
It’s a weight like a hole
It’s the one who looks so as not to dissolve
It’s a gesture of love It’s a ritual of mourning
She dances with the one who is there and not there
- Camille Renharhd
How can we be together even when we are not – especially and in particular across the veil of loss that seems so (in)finite? For choreographer Thea Patterson, un‑nevering is a response to the violent loss, in August 2021, of her life partner and artistic collaborator Jeremy Gordaneer. Exploring the shapes, textures and tones of grief, un‑nevering asks: what if there is no never?
Concept and choreography: Thea Patterson in collaboration with Rachel Harris, Elinor Fueter
Performers: Thea Patterson, Rachel Harris, Elinor Fueter
Dramaturge: Lois Brown
Phenomenological coach: Peter Trosztmer
Sound design: David Dubline
Lighting design: Paul Chambers
Assistant lighting design: Tim Rodrigues
Technical direction: Iohanne Wakal
Death Doula and facilitation: Ellen Furey
Vocal coach: Susanna Hood
Artistic consultation: Nate Yaffe
Video: Jeremy Gordaneer
Distribution: CAPAS | Dance Label
Production: Thea Patterson
Delegated production: Parbleux
Co-production: Festival TransAmériques — FTA (Montréal, Canada)
Creative residencies and supports: Inception Parbleux (Montréal, Canada), Studio 303 (Montréal, Canada), La petite Place des Arts (Saint-Mathieu-du-Parc, Canada), presentation at Festival OFFTA 2023 (Montréal, Canada), Centre de Création O’Vertigo — CCOV (Montréal, Canada), Mile Zero Dance — MZD (Edmonton, Canada)
Special thanks to: ATLAS Program ImPulsTanz — Vienna International Dance Festival (Vienna, Austria), Guy Cools, Mario LaMothe, Camille Renharhd for her text, Winnie Ho, Neighbourhood Dance Works — NDW (St-John’s, Canada)
The creation of this work is made possible thanks to the financial support of Conseil des arts du Canada, Conseil des arts et des lettres du Québec, Conseil des arts de Montréal
Duration: 60 minutes
Performers: 3
Spectators: 30 to 200
Preview presented in April 18 & 19, 2025 as part of the programming of Mile Zero Dance (Edmonton, Canada). Premiere presented May 30 & 31 and June 2 & 3, 2025 as part of the Festival TransAmériques program (Montreal, Canada).